Reprogram Your Brain For Individual Freedom

Nazmus Sakib
6 min readOct 10, 2019

When someone has the ability to act, work, think and behave independently and consciously without fearing the retribution can be termed as individual freedom. For the existence of human qualities and differ humans from animals individual freedom is a core essential. People always believe they are born free and they can do whatever they want according to their will but the real scenario is way opposite of their thinking. The societies we live in are controlling us through some set rules called the code of conducts. Actually these codes are one kind of super smart plan to rule over your brain according to the plan setters.

American author of historical fiction, non-fiction, and screenplays Mr. Steven Pressfield said “Those who will not govern themselves are condemned to find masters to govern over them.” And this is what we are doing at this moment by just pretending to have the freedom of speech, act and thoughts. In reality, we have nothing but some unseen & untouched set of rules and regulations imposed by the authority. They are not just governing your body but your brain too.

You must be familiar with the term “We have Limitations” is actually a very smart strategy introduced by the game planners. They designed the world with inherently full of distractions to keep you focused on unimportant things so that you do not have enough time to think about the term limitations. You are not interested about why it is limited because you are so busy doing useless things.

Legendary young University professor and writer Cal Newport in his book “Deep Work” wrote: “Network tools — social media, email, Reddit, etc. — are distracting us from work that requires unbroken concentration, while simultaneously degrading our capacity to remain focused.”

So what he basically means is the world will never help you for success or high-level focus rather it will grab your legs and walk towards failure. So, to achieve your goal you need to train your brain to focus on your target not with the set program of the society but of your own.

It is really tough to stand still and focus on your targeted goals because you cannot sit still even for one hour without your mobile phone. The culture cultivating around you is not likely to make you focused — On contrary it help you to never think of anything. The primary focus of this society is to help you stay where you are which in most cases where you don’t want to be.

Nowadays entertainment and distractions is the mother of wasting time. I am not telling you that you should stop enjoying yourself but to choose wisely. Most of us spend at least 1 hour a day in front of television and 3 hours on mobile screen doing almost nothing just scrolling the news feeds or changing the channels. Have you ever thought that you can turn this useless time into something useful and productive? The answer is no, why? Because, you are not focused on your goals. Choose Learning and Education, Not Entertainment or Distraction to achieve your individual freedom.

Easy access to anything and unbridled technological accessibility made injured our ability to focus and we found ourselves stuck, with no idea how to break out. If you do not reprogram your brain for your own purpose someone else will use it for their purpose.

Steven Pressfield also wrote, “You can’t let the actions of others define your reality.”

It is high time you should sit on the driving seat to take control of your thought, action and behaviors. Never allow others to design your way of life.

A very popular term is known as Brain Exercise means using your brain in proper way. American businessman and author Robert Toru Kiyosaki said “My brain gets stronger every day because I exercise it.

You maybe need significant time to reverse the circle of scrolling on social media to exercise your brain but it can be achieved through some easy dedication. Obviously you cannot eat a elephant at a time but with small bites you can start eating and at a point it can be finished. As a little piece of candle can remove the darkness of a room then a little step towards exercising your brain can remove the darkness of your life.

You must bring the belief on yourself what you had on your childhood. For instance, when tried to ride a bike had you succeed on your first attempt? No, no one can be perfect at once but a daily routine and enormous determination can do. You had strong dedication towards your bike riding and that made you successful. On the same way if you spend a little time everyday for your own development then one day you will able to program your brain according to your personal interest and that will lead you to Individual Freedom.

One of my favorite authors James Altucher once wrote: “Every day, check these 4 boxes: Have I improved 1% on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health?” Even a tiny amount of progress can help you to add up on your skills.

Here is a personal example I can give you….

As a high school kid I was very afraid of talking or giving any speech in front of the class. I was so scared that my knees start trembling even before my name was announced. But thanks to my respected teachers they continuously insisted me and made me stand before the class. The progress was slow but later I became a very good communicator and gave the annual speech of our batch. I was even the debate club president on my college and it all happened because of the consistency.

“Small, seemingly inconsistent steps completed consistently over time will create a radical difference.” -Darren Hardy

The time you will take the responsibility of your winning and losing you can be an individually free person but it is very risky because there will be no one to blame if you lose. Best-selling author Hal Elrod: “The moment you accept total responsibility for EVERYTHING in your life is the day you claim the power the change ANYTHING in your life.”

We must accept what we are but we must not accept what we will have. We should work on the development of our skills to take our status a little higher every single day.

Sheryl Sandberg once wrote: “We cannot change what we are not aware of, and once we are aware, we cannot help but change.”

So if you want to become the master of your own then start changing yourself. Only positive changes can bring your credibility towards a certain level that will allow you to think out of the box. Thus you can break the so called Code of Conducts of the society and think freely, act freely and behave freely.

Once you have done this you have achieved Individual Freedom.



Nazmus Sakib

A literary bugbear’s journey from accidental wordsmith to freelance writer. Noodle word junky trying to debug the why behind the Whys of Brain. Absolute spirit.